Aviation Fuels – Exploring Low Carbon Options Under Current Policy |
July 2023 |
Julie Witcover, Colin Murphy |
Low-Carbon Fuels for Aviation and Maritime Transport Insights from Two Mirroring Workshops Held in the US and Europe |
May 2023 |
Pierpaolo Cazzola, Colin Murphy |
Exploring Tools for Maximizing the Potential for Electrified Transit Buses in Mexico |
April 2023 |
Gil Tal, Peter K Benoliel, Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, Kevin Hernandez Rios |
The Implications of Freeway Siting in California:Four Case Studies on the Effects of Freeways on Neighborhoods of Color |
March 2023 |
Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Susan L. Handy,Paul M. Ong, Jesus M. Barajas, Jacob L. Wasserman, Chhandara Pech, Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, Andres F. Ramirez, Aakansha Jain, and others |
Modeling expected air quality impacts of Oregon's proposed expanded clean fuels program |
March 2023 |
Yiting Li, Guihua Wang, Colin Murphy, Michael J. Kleeman |
People with Disabilities in California Want Density, Improved Streets and Buses to Help Pedestrians, Bus Riders, and Car Drivers |
February 2023 |
Prashanth S. Venkataram, Justin A. Flynn, Giovanni Circella |
Disability, Transportation, Activity Performance, and Neighborhood Features in California: Conducting a Focus Group and Designing a Survey |
February 2023 |
Prashanth S. Venkataram, Justin A. Flynn, Giovanni Circella |
Assessing the Potential Impacts of Toll Discounts on Zero-Emission Vehicle Adoption |
January 2023 |
Adam Wilkinson Davis, Joshua Stark, Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez |
Improving Credit Quantification Under the LCFS: The Case for a Fractional Displacement Approach |
December 2022 |
Colin Murphy |
Rural Electric Vehicle Carsharing is Improving Household Mobility and Reducing Reliance on Personal Vehicles |
October 2022 |
Caroline Rodier, Brian Harold |
A Before and After Evaluation of Shared Mobility Projects in the San Joaquin Valley |
May 2022 |
Caroline Rodier, Brian Harold, Yunwan Zhang |
UC Davis partnered with the eight San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify and support development of three innovative mobility pilot concepts for the region. |
Modeling Expected Air Quality Impacts of Oregon’s Proposed Expanded Clean Fuels Program |
April 2022 |
Colin Murphy, Michael J. Kleeman, Guihua Wang, Yiting Li |
Air Quality Impacts of Proposed Changes to Oregon’s Clean Fuels |
April 2022 |
Colin Murphy, Michael J. Kleeman, Guihua Wang, Yiting Li |
Literature review on policies to mitigate GHG emissions for cement and concrete |
March 2022 |
Pablo Busch, Alissa Kendall, Colin W. Murphy, Sabbie A. Miller |
This study undertakes a review of previous research on cement and concrete decarbonization and analyzes the most common proposed measures along their level of action, involved stakeholders, barriers to implementation, and coordinated policy actions. |
Automated Vehicles are Expected to Increase Driving and Emissions Without Policy Intervention |
December 2021 |
Caroline Rodier, Miguel Jaller, Elham Pourrahmani, Anmol Pahwa, Joschka Bischoff, Joel Freedman |
Electric Vehicle Carsharing is Helping to Fill Transit Gaps and Improve Mobility in Rural California |
December 2021 |
Caroline Rodier, Brian Harold |
Policy brief examining an electric vehicle carsharing pilot called Míocar, which seeks to provide carsharing to price-sensitive populations with low transit access at a price point that is more affordable than owning a personal vehicle. |
Setting Transportation Network Company Policies to Increase Sustainability |
August 2021 |
Sam Fuller, Susan Handy, Mollie D'Agostino, Tatjana Kunz, Austin L. Brown |
Policy brief assessing the goals and effectiveness of transportation network company fees in achieving specific policy objectives, primarily congestion and emissions mitigation. |
California Automated Vehicle Policy Strategies |
August 2021 |
Mollie Cohen D'Agostino, Jerel Francisco, Susan A. Shaheen, Daniel Sperling |
Issue paper leveraging the eight principles for AV policy included in the draft CalSTA framework. |
Telecommuting Rates During the Pandemic Differ by Job Type, Income, and Gender |
July 2021 |
Grant Matson, Sean McElroy, Giovanni Circella, Yongsung Lee |
Multijurisdictional Status Review of Low Carbon Fuel Standards, 2010–2020 Q2 |
July 2021 |
Daniel Mazzone, Colin Murphy, Julie Witcover |
This LCFS status report is the latest in a series of updates based on program metrics. It focuses on the programs in the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) jurisdictions of California, Oregon, and BC, and covers 2010 through 2020 Q2 (the most recent data available at the time of writing). |
Local Policies for Better Micromobility |
June 2021 |
Austin L. Brown, Mollie D'Agostino, Sam Fuller |
Policy brief highlighting key themes from a series of ten interviews with U.S. cities with micromobility programs in their jurisdictions. |
Local Policies for Better Micromobility |
June 2021 |
Sam Fuller, Dillon Fitch, Mollie D'Agostino |
White paper highlighting key themes from a series of ten interviews with U.S. cities with micromobility programs in their jurisdictions. |
Driving California's Transportation Emissions to Zero |
April 2021 |
Austin L. Brown, Daniel Sperling, Bernadette Austin, Jr DeShazo, Lew Fulton, Timothy Lipman, Colin Murphy, Jean-Daniel Saphores, Gil Tal |
Research-driven analysis of options that can put California on a pathway to achieve carbon-neutral transportation by 2045. |
Setting Transportation Network Company Policies to Increase Sustainability |
March 2021 |
Sam Fuller, Tatjana Kunz, Austin L. Brown, Mollie Cohen D'Agostino |
White paper assessing the goals and effectiveness of transportation network company fees in achieving specific policy objectives, primarily congestion and emissions mitigation. |
Equitable Congestion Pricing |
December 2020 |
Mollie Cohen D'Agostino, Paige Pellaton, Brittany White |
Congestion pricing can be an equitable policy strategy. This project consisted of a review of case studies of existing and planned congestion pricing strategies in North America. |
Improving Data Reporting for State Renewable Portfolio Standards |
August 2020 |
Ingrid Behrsin, Olivia Zanzonico, Johanna Heyer, Alejandro Prieto, Francesca Disano |
Policy brief presenting two simple strategies for improving state-level Renewable Portfolio Standards data reporting. |
Oregon's Clean Fuels Program - A Review and Status Update |
August 2020 |
Julie Witcover, Colin Murphy |
Research report reviewing Oregon's Clean Fuels Program (CFP) data from the first three years of CFP operation, including an overview of program characteristics, identification of key trends, and comparison of the CFP to LCFS. |
Improving Data Reporting for State Renewable Portfolio Standards |
August 2020 |
Ingrid Behrsin, Olivia Zanzonico, Johanna Heyer, Alejandro Prieto, Francesca Disano |
Policy brief presenting two simple strategies for improving state-level Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) data reporting. |
Policy Pathways to TNC Electrification in California |
May 2020 |
Kelly L. Fleming, Mollie Cohen D'Agostino |
Issue paper synthesizing research related to electrification of Transportation Network Company (TNC) vehicles and policy pathways for addressing barriers to electric-vehicle (EV) use among TNC drivers. |
Technology is Outpacing State Automated Vehicle Policy |
April 2020 |
Kelly L. Fleming |
Research report addressing the nature of statutes related to Automated Vehicles (AVs), which tend to be preliminary in scope. This paper creates a scale for evaluating AV policy from most permissive to most restrictive. |
The effects of equitability policies on the ZEV market: Evidence from California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project |
April 2020 |
Sam Fuller, Austin Brown |
California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Program (CVRP) is the largest zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) incentive program in the United States. This policy brief summarizes how changes to the CVRP incentive structure may have affected California's ZEV market. |
Shared-Use Mobility Services Can Improve Access and Reduce Costs in Rural Disadvantaged Communities |
February 2020 |
Caroline Rodier, Laura Podolsky |
Mobility Data Sharing: Challenges and Policy Recommendations |
August 2019 |
Mollie D'Agostino, Paige Pellaton, Austin Brown |
An overview of the top needs and challenges surrounding mobility data sharing and four relevant policy strategies. |
Electric Vehicle Carsharing is Helping to Fill Transit Gaps and Improve Mobility in Rural California |
Caroline Rodier, Brian Harold |
Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles Will Reduce Emissions and Costs in a 100% Renewable Energy Future in California |
Austin L. Brown, Alan Jenn |